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FAT Folder Finder


FAT Folder Finder is the ultimate tool to recover missing hard drive space. It quickly shows you what has consumed your gigabytes of magnetic storage and instantly shows you what you have reclaimed. The program execution is very fast and is produced using object oriented Visual Basic 6.

FAT Folder Finder works with FAT,  NTFS and CDFS file directories.  FAT Folder Finder lists all directories while showing the total disk space consumed by the directory and all its subdirectories.  You can quickly see what directories are hogging your hard disk.

Secure Online Ordering  allows you to register your demo copy for full functionality.
Download our FREE DEMO Version to see if it's right for you. It allows examination of your CD ROM.

Feature: Shows Total Bytes consumed by Directories and their subdirectories in descending order.
    Benefit: You can actually see what is hogging up your hard drives, shared drives and network drives.
Feature: Helps you find the directories you want to examine via the FIND button with CACHE shortcut.
    Benefit: Track down wasteful CACHE directories and other underutilized disk areas for termination.
Feature: Provides descending size, alphabetical, and native order for viewing directories and sizes.
    Benefit: Allows you to visualize the condition of your hard drive and print out lists if desired.
Feature: Enterprise version allows remote administration of mapped disk drives enterprise-wide.
    Benefit: Network administrators can view and maintain users systems remotely.
Feature: Buttons allow launching Explorer to view files, clear or launch RECYCLE BIN.
    Benefit: Provides easy access to Windows95/98/NT related tools.
Feature: Buttons allow you to DELETE directory trees or send them to the RECYCLE BIN.
    Benefit: You have the POWER to DELETE. You have the safety to RECYCLE.
Feature: E-mail support for the uninitiated at FAT
    Benefit: Someone will answer your questions.
Disclaimer: This is a powerful tool which will quickly recover disk space. Use it carefully.

FAT Folder Finder:    Installation and DEMO Program     1.6 MB  FREE DOWNLOAD    FATFOLD.ZIP
        Runs in DEMO mode prior to registration for license to operate program.
        Provides full installation of support files and DEMO program.
        Allows full access to CD ROM drive directories. You explore the power of FAT Folder Finder. 
        Download the ZIP file into a temporary directory.  Run SETUP.  Delete TEMP directory.
        Installer may ask you reboot your computer and rerun setup.  This is normal for VB6 install.

FAT Folder Finder:    Program Update V1.0                       100KB  FREE DOWNLOAD   FATFOLD.EXE
        Runs in DEMO mode prior to registration for license to operate program.
        Download this update at any time to update your registered version.  
        Monitor this site for further free updates to this program. Version number specified above.

FAT Folder Finder:    Standard Edition Registration       25 KB File         $10.00
       Download this program to your desktop and run to enable  your software for Local Operation.

FAT Folder Finder:    Enterprise Edition Registration     25 KB IFile         $50.00
       Download  to your desktop and run to enable  your software for Enterprise-Wide Operation.

FAT Folder Finder:    Site Licenses Available.  Please inquire within.

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Program concept, design  and marketing by Richard L. Boblenz, II
Program developed using Visual Basic 6 by Nilo V. Lo

Copyright © 1999 FAT Folder Finder.  All Rights Reserved.