alive1.gif (6109 bytes)AOL Alive Banner
for AOL 7.0 and all previous versions

AOL Alive is not affiliated with America Online in any way.  AOL ALIVE, serving AOL users since 1997.

On September 16, 1998 AOL revised the AOL Timer making all existing Anti-Timers obsolete and ineffective. All existing AOL Alive subscribers  received, via direct e-mail and free of charge, updated AOL Alive which defeats the NEW AOL Timer. Since that time numerous adjustment made by AOL required additional modifications to AOL Alive, for which all subscribers received free updates.  Make sure the next Anti-Timer you purchase will clear the NEW AOL Timer and all future AOL Timers.
Make sure the next (and last) anti timer you ever buy is AOL Alive.
SPAM FREE:  You will NOT receive any spam e-mail regarding this product.
This is the only authorized site from which you may purchase this product.

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Online for 32 hours.

  AOL Alive is NOT affiliated with America Online in any way...

AOL Alive 70KB

AOL Alive keeps America Online "online" !
Works with ALL versions of AOL including AOL 7.0 and Windows 95/98 and earlier...
AOL Alive is not tested for Windows ME, 2000, XP etc...

You won't belive you have survived this long using AOL without AOL Alive...!

YOU decide when to log off.  Take control for only $10.00
Unlimited FREE UPDATES provided when necessary.
IMMEDIATE DELIVERY with SECURE ONLINE ORDERING via   VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover

1. Click     Add to Cartto order AOL Alive NOW with your credit card.
2. Then, CLICK DOWNLOAD on Order Confirmation Screen to download file..
3. Download FILE to C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\AOLALIVE701.EXE  (do not change filename extention from .EXE)
4. Please make sure that you SAVE the file with .EXE extension
5. If you experience any difficulty, please contact us via e-mail at ALIVE503@AOL.COM and we will e-mail the file directly to you the same day.,    Please DO NOT REORDER.
6. Please retain your e-mailed order confirmation number as your proof of purchase.  
7. Please include your confirmation number with any correspondence.

Automatically starts-up AOL and logs you in.
Clicks those annoying confirmation boxes that appear when you SEND or DELETE   email and switch AOL Accounts.... ( May save you from carpal tunnel syndrome ! )
FREE UPDATES to AOL Alive provided as needed
Also automatically CLICKS the confirmation boxes for WS_FTP so you can actually use it to clean up your web site...
Generates network activity to keep you  connected to AOL (AND your ISP.)
Works with "OEM versions" of AOL: "America  Online provided by Compaq" etc
STOP GETTING DUMPED in the middle of downloading files
Receive your e-mail instantly and hear "You've Got Mail"
Get the "unlimited service" you are paying for. Stay online for days if desired.
Personal E-MAIL support if you are having difficulties.  Please DO NOT CALL.
Works with Windows 3.1/3.11 and Windows 95/98 and ALL versions of AOL including AOL 7.0
Click "AOL Alive" Status Bar to monitor activity showing events and times
Order via credit card or Snail Mail  $10.00 Money Order payable to Penwa personal checks please
Request mailing address via e-mail ALIVE503@AOL.COM   Please DO NOT CALL


AOL Alive Banner